Cohiba: Red Dot Ritual Event
Cohiba (Dominican) Cigars and marketing mavens Team Epiphany teamed up recently to present the Red Dot Ritual Event. Hosted at the chic private members’ club and hotel Soho House, the event put a spotlight on the very much underrated cigar brand.
The Red Dot Ritual is a tutorial of sorts to guide you through the Cohiba process; THE SELECTION, THE CLIP, THE LIGHT and THE SMOKE. They had a torcedor rolling fresh cigars on site while DJ Mick Boogie spun music. Here are some photos from the event courtesy of AQUA.
Cohiba has really impressed me on how they are engaging their consumers this year. Their wristwatch collaboration with Frederique Constant was a big highlight for cigar smokers as well. For information go to Video of a previous Red Dot Ritual below.
This looked like a great event.