Cohiba Royale Cigar
The non Cuban Cohiba cigar brand isn’t known for full bodied offers but that is about to change. The Cohiba Royale Cigar is their strongest selection to date.
The Cohiba Royale Cigar was created with the cigar connoisseur in mind, bringing to life the micro climates and fertile soils of the Caribbean and Central America in a way that is unique to the brand. All of the tobaccos that comprise Cohiba Royale are hand-selected and deeply aged, representing the best of the best tobacco growing regions in the world. The result is a cigar that is billed as bold and refined, befitting of the Cohiba name.
Blend and Origin:
Wrapper: Nicaraguan Broadleaf
Binder: Dominican Piloto Cubano
Filler: Honduran, Nicaraguan (Estelí, Jalapa)
Country of Origin: Honduras
Factory: Honduran American Tobacco S.A. (HATSA)
Vitolas Offered:
Gran Royale: 4 1/2 x 52 (SRP $23.99)
Robusto Royale: 5 1/2 x 54 (SRP $25.99)
Toro Royale: 6 x 50 (SRP $28.99)