Davidoff Double “R” Cigar
I have an affinity for Davidoff Cigars, specifically Zion Platinum cigars. Once cigar that I keep hearing rave reviews about is the Davidoff Double “R”. This Double Corona Cigar is a complex blend of excellent tobaccos of up to four different harvest that defines its well rounded character.
The Davidoff Double “R” Cigar features an all Dominican Republic blend with a Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. It is said to be an ultra smooth cigar with medium to full body range. As with any Davidoff stick the price tag isn’t cheap. $28.00 for a single, $656.00 for a box of 25 and $1,311.00 for a box of 50.
Let me know your thoughts if you have smoked the Davidoff Double “R” Cigar before. Long ashes!
I love Davidoff Cigars so they are definitely worth the price.