Davidoff Launches Puro d’Oro Gigantes Cigars
Luxury brand Davidoff is set to reintroduce their prestigious Puro d’Oro Gigantes cigar line. Featuring a first class gold band, these smokes are sure to impress pre and post light.
The two-year-old brand will now have a bold and gold band reading “Davidoff” in embossed lettering. When Davidoff first released the line in April 2010, the cigars notably did not display the Davidoff name and were marked only with narrow, golden foot bands bearing the name of the particular size of each cigar.
The relatively small sizes of the Puro d’Oro line include a Robusto, a Corona Gorda, a Short Panetela and a Corona. Last May, Davidoff released a fifth size: a 6 1/4-inch by 52-ring Toro, which at the time was the largest size in the line. Unlike the original four sizes released in the Puro d’Oro line, the Gigantes (a 5 1/2-inch by 56-ring robusto) is matching current market trends that lean toward larger ring gauges.
Davidoff Puro d’Oro is an all-Dominican-leaf line that is stronger than the average Davidoff cigar. The cigar’s special wrapper leaf is grown in the Yamasá region of the Dominican Republic.
Gigantes will hit shelves in June. Long ashes!
I love the gold band. I will definitely try this cigar.