Fonseca CXX Anni Cigar
“In the year 1891, a Cuban by the name of Don Fonseca gave his name to the delicious cigars he manufactured and the Fonseca brand was born. Over the past 120 years, a period spanning the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries, Fonseca has become a world re-known brand. In celebration of this important moment in history of Fonseca, Sag Imports will be releasing 120,000 cigars in three different sizes.”
“The Blend they finally agreed on commemorates the brand’s Cuban roots with fillers from Cuban seed grown in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. The binder is also Dominican grown Cuban seed tobacco. The wrapper is a beautiful Habano Vuelta Arriba from a microfarm in the Navarrete region that has been sungrown to create a richer, more intense tobacco. Neither mild nor overpowering, the Fonseca CXX is smooth but intense in flavor. A true medium bodied cigar. Enjoy them while they last.”
Fonseca CXX Packed MSRP Whlse Price
Corona 6 3/8 X 46 20 $6.95 $69.50
Robusto 5 7/8 X 52 20 $7.50 $75.00
Gordo 4 7/8 X 60 20 $7.95 $79.50
The Fonseca CXX Anni looks like a very interesting smoke. I will definitely put it on my “must buy” list. Let me know if you get to this cigar before I do. Cheers!
This cigar sounds great
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