Morgenstern’s Dom Perignon Omakase Experience
If you enjoy bubbly with your ice cream you’re in luck. The Morgenstern’s Dom Perignon Omakase Experience caters to both and seems to be a once in a lifetime treat.
The Morgenstern’s Dom Perignon Omakase Experience is a seven course meal that features a bottle Dom Pérignon Vintage 2003 Plénitude 2. Each serving includes elevated ice cream dishes with very unique and opulent ingredients. The second course for example, titled Dark Harmony, is a nori ice cream cone topped with osetra caviar.
This unique experience will be available once a week starting 7/20/21 and will be hosted at Morgenstern’s Finest Ice Cream Sundae Bar on 88 Houston Street in New York City.
[…] a focus on Japanese-inspired vegan omakase, Omakaseed New York City seeks to continue the mission of the team behind Sushi By Bou, bringing […]