Zino Platinum Crown Series Double Grande Cigar Review
In these tough economic times, a fine cigar is definitely a luxury item. In fact some cigar manufacturers skew some of their brands in that premium smoke zone to attract high profile customers. A prime example is Zino.
Dedicated to tobacconist and original proprietor Zino Davidoff, Swiss fine goods company Davidoff produces Zino. Their Platinum Crown Series line is one of the most expensive cigars ever released. I recently was gifted a set and decided to fire up the Double Grande.
The Double Grande is a physically striking cigar. It is smooth throughout with very little veins and the seams are near perfect. The double bands are both bold and stately. Even if you weren’t aware of the hefty thirty dollar plus price tag you would still feel like you have your hands on a unique smoke.
Upon toasting the foot I got a lot of flavor; nothing harsh but a smooth creaminess. The draw is great. I am getting an ample amount smoke with a wee bit of resistance which is exactly my liking. The burn line is a little wavy but my experiences with Zinos have proven that they pretty much correct themselves.
Ten minutes into this Double Grande I am really enjoying this cigar. When I read other cigar reviews, I am sometimes annoyed by all the buzz words that are used but I can honestly say I got notes of coco. With each exhale of smoke I get this buttery coating on my tongue that leaves me wanting more.
Measuring at seven and a half inches long, this is a big smoke but it never shows too much power. It is burning slowly and landing right into a high medium zone. The ash fell early on but since then I haven’t had any more problems.
At the halfway point things are still going well. The flavor profile hasn’t changed but I am content with that. It is really smooth and could be smoked without a drink. If you like to pair your cigars, I would suggest a nice cup of coffee or a subtle pinot noir.
As I round the final third, I am getting some stronger earthy flavors that is balancing cream and a small kick of spice. The construction has proven to be excellent with no hiccups or draw problems in sight. This is a really good cigar and I am craving another right away.
While the price tag is a spicy one, I still suggest giving this Platinum Crown Series line a try when you want to celebrate a special occasion. I actually shared some with a couple of friends the day before my wedding, and it was truly a moment. Yours could be next.
This is definitely a great cigar.
Nice, was this the 7 year old smoke.. how was it, did it smoke well.. did it still have flavor… “the sceptor” Platinum Crown Series line was the true… we all need to revisit that brand again…
good stuff…. keep it coming…
I’ll definitely give this one a try. I usually stick to Padron ’64, but I’d like to mix things up a bit.